
Investment Experts / Investment Controlling
PPCmetrics AG, Badenerstrasse 6, 8021 Zürich

Global Custodian
Credit Suisse, Zürich

Asset management
Credit Suisse Asset Management – Swiss bonds
Credit Suisse Asset Management – foreign currency bonds (hedged)
Credit Suisse Asset Management – Swiss Equities
Credit Suisse Asset Management – foreign equities (hedged)
Credit Suisse Asset Management – foreign equities small Cap
Credit Suisse Asset Management – equities Emerging Markets
Swisscanto Real Estate Investment Fund
Cité du Lévant – Real Estate

Ordinance Against Excessive Compensation in Listed Joint-Stock Corporations (OaEC)
The ordinance which came into force on 1 January 2014 requires pension plans to exercise their voting right as shareholders in direct investments and to disclose their voting behaviour. As the Personalvorsorgestiftung der Feldschlösschen-Getränkegruppe engages exclusively in collective investments, it has no investments subject to the OaEC and is accordingly exempt from the obligation to exercise voting rights.